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Writer's pictureJoanne Hanckowiak

Free to Fail

Today I am sharing some of my favorite quotes and most recent reflections on failure. Why? Well frankly because I need the encouragement and I figured I might not be the only one!

It is nearly the end of 2022 which is a time to reflect on the year, what we have already achieved, what we have yet to conquer. It is a good time to assess what we want more of, what we need and how we can be more present for the things that we value the most in the New Year. If like me, you’ve had many opportunities for growth and learning this year, it also means you have gone through a few failed attempts. This is why today we are addressing failures and how we all need the comforting acknowledgement that we are doing well even when we are failing.

“A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.” B.F.Skinner

I love embracing a growth mindset and going for the big scary goals in my life but sometimes it can also feel draining and tiring especially after a period of growing pains. If you are like me, needing a little break, a little comforting accolade, then I hope this post will do the trick! Sometimes when we are hitting a wall during a trying time, it can be a signal that we need to lean on that wall and take a break. I heard that imagery on Mel Robbins’ podcast this week and it made me smile. It’s so true. I sometimes forget that it is important for me to take breaks to recharge before trying again. Do you know the feeling? This post is here to remind you that failure is a part of our lives and a primary contributor in our own journey to being our most authentic selves. We need failures to teach us a new tool, a new experience, or an attitude that will be added to our arsenal.

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” Maya Angelou

When we focus on embracing a positive mindset, we are able to see everything as a learning opportunity. Being able to reframe our failures as positive and necessary missed steps or missed takes helps us shift into a constructive reflection. We get to pause, search for what we can learn from it, adjust course and try again. There is an old latin expression: “errare humanum est”. It means “to make mistake is human”. It is a part of our human condition. We have to make mistakes in life. That is how we learn, how we grow. Our mistakes keep teaching us something valuable.

“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” Henry Ford

Looking at the world with a growth mindset means we are opening our eyes to all possibilities. We seek growth by focusing on learning and problem solving. We know that there are several ways to achieve things in life and not one way or no way. The book Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck explains that we can thrive on challenges when we have the mindset that our intelligence and abilities can improve and grow. Everything becomes an opportunity. Any situation we face is something we can learn from. It brings me both a soothing peace of mind and a vibrant excitement to realize that I can flip any situation by trusting myself and accepting that life is all about learning. I can reframe my misstep into a step toward growth.

“We are not free until we are free to fail.” Emily Maroutian

It is important to conclude with this last thought: it is freeing to let ourselves fail forward in life. When we let go of everyone’s expectations, when we let go of people’s judgements or criticism, we are able to fail freely and focus solely on our own learning. That’s where we can become our most authentic selves. If there is one thing, we can give ourselves and our loved ones, it is to offer unconditional love and nurturing that lets failures come and go. What matters is that we love ourselves through it and we offer a safe place for our loved ones to fail freely and still get our love and support. We push forward and focus on learning, growing and flourishing every step of the way.

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